Leveraging privilege and personal power for social change 

We can all benefit from listening to experiences outside of our own– but that doesn’t have to be at the expense of others.

The Diversity Collective invites people of diverse backgrounds, socio-cultural backgrounds abilities, ethnicities, sexualities and identities to join the collective and leverage the TDC platform to share their experience– and get remunerated.

No member of The Diversity Collective is expected to conduct unpaid intellectual or emotional labour.

Contact us to find out more

Meet the Collective

The Diversity Collective brings together individuals with diverse experiences and expertise who wish to use their knowledge, skills and lived experiences to create safe spaces to learn, grow and heal.  

Alana Brekelmans

Socio-cultural anthropologist and embodied practice facilitator.

Sheetal Deo

Collaborator, lawyer advocate and educator.

Rebecca Niebler

Mindset and performance coach, training consultant and cultural change facilitator.